Wednesday, October 1, 2008

मयफर्स्ट गो अरौंद, यू क्नोव जुस्त दोंग आईटी मय way
this page is all about how to effectively take a nap। I think that I have actually mastered the art of nap taking but maybe that’s just me talking out from under my z’s. this is my blog, and it will hopefully reflect what I have to say in a very expressive and up front way.

With that said, I go back to the original business at hand, are americans (and yes I am one of those silly Americans) well are we getting so stupid and lazy now that we have to read up on how to take a nap the correct way? That just sounds quite ridiculous to me.
The next order of business is the fact that I found this hyperlink on a page that was talking about how to stay energized. In this article, the writer said that drinking the largest cup of coffee possible is not very effective. I do not know what these people were on while writing this, I mean have you ever drank a big cup of coffee and then been able to sit around and not be productive? How can you do that, its virtually impossible.